Join Spiritword Academy to fulfill her vision and mission
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those who published it. – Psalms 68:11. We believe in the power of partnership in driving the vision.
Our vision is as an Academy is to raise stronger believers & ministries; taking the influence of Christ everywhere.
Our mission is to equip and deploy ONE MILLION ministers who will reach the billions with the gospel. Either through pulpit ministry or marketplace evangelism and influence.
The principle of partnership is a Scriptural and covenant-based means of effective spreading of the Gospel of the kingdom of God. In the days of Jesus, the Bible says the people who received of His ministry also ministered back to Him of their substance. (Luke 8:3). In Peter’s fishing business he needed his partners to help carry all the fish that were available to be caught through the instruction he received from Jesus. (Luke 5:7).
Partnership means being able to do more together by joining up in the same work. When you stand with us in prayer, and we stand with you, our anointing, our gifting, and our mission become one. And every life that’s touched is a life we reached together. It’s Biblical … Philippians 1:5 “For you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.”
There are places we need to go, things we need to do and say and we will not be able to do it without your prayer and financial partnership! In the light of the massive harvest of souls and of the benefits of partaking in the grace that this Calling and Ministry carries – as the Apostle Paul said to the Philippian church in Phil.1:3-8, we believe God will have us extend the privilege of partnership to as many He would impress upon their hearts to become our partners.
As God is opening for us in the various nations of the earth, we need our partners to stand with us in prayers, in giving and receiving so that like Peter and Paul we also can carry out our God-given mandate to the nation’s. Your partnership giving enables Spiritword Academy to carry out its mission and positions you to receive the rewards for the work, the anointing of the ministry and a harvest on your seed sown.
You can partner with us in various ways,
- Prayer partner, you can help us carry the spiritual load of the Nations coming into alignment with God’s plans and purposes. And there is mutual prayer support:
> From Partners to Spiritword Academy flow prayer and financial contributions.
> From Spiritword Academy to Partners flows prayer, shared rewards and anointing.
- Financial partner, a financial partner commits to funding the work of the ministry with gifts, contributions, tithes and offerings.
Philippians 4:17 ”Not that I seek your gift, but I do seek and am eager for the fruit which increases to your credit, the harvest of blessing that is accumulating to your account.” A financial partner may help carry the financial load of our outreaches, where you can help us in bearing the financial burden of our evangelistic outreaches and conferences around the world. Your involvement can enable us do more in the Nations.
We take our partners seriously and regularly pray for them and minister to them in as many ways as God enables us, attending to their personal needs through prayers. Partners are individuals, families, businesses and other ministries that faithfully and periodically sow some level of financial support and prayer into Spiritword Academy are partners.
JOIN US IN OUR MISSION: We pray you will become one of our partners by your prayers and regular giving so that together we will raise stronger believers and ministries; taking the influence of Christ to the Nations of the earth.
For more information about becoming a Partner of Spiritword Academy, contact us:
Reuben – +2348139080025
Christianah – +2349033743938
Esther – 09035293777
You can also send us an email at partnership@spiritwordacademy.org.
You can give through any of the following means
- 0091243521 – Christianah Ifeoluwa Sunday – Sterling Bank
- Give at https://pay.squadco.com/link/swasomgivings
These are our only authorized giving platforms for now