Equipped & Equipping Others

How I went from a believer to founding Scriptures Adventure_ discipling hundreds into spiritual maturity, 4 years and waxing stronger.

Upperbrooks Academy Bible School

You are most welcome here, Dear Aspirant. 

I know you must have seen the  Upperbrooks Academy Bible School flyer, and I can guarantee that you have made a great decision to register for it. But just before you do, let me tell you a little about it:

Meanwhile, why should you even listen to me on this? Well, a few years ago, I was exactly where you currently are; I heard about Upperbrooks Academy Bible School, and I went ahead to register for it. Oh My! It was an awesome experience with God! 

Let’s jump right into it so you can finish within 3 minutes or so.

Our Ideal Student

UpperBrooks Academy Bible school is essentially for you if you belong in the following category:



Have you been called to serve God in ministry? You might think that ministry is just the stuff that happens in church, but actually, we’re all called to ministry, either the conventional pulpit ministry or representing Jesus in the market place. So it makes sense to invest time to grow in your ministry abilities.


Excellent leadership is not just a product of impartation but a product of intentional growth through knowledge and practice. The backend of true and effective leadership is self-discovery. At Upperbrooks Academy, you are enlightened to know God and yourself in the process. This facilitates your leadership prowess


Knowing God changes everything. When you hear God speak directly into your personal life and experience his deep love for you, you’ll gain new confidence in who you’re created to be. Gordon Harris says, “We all desperately need love at a deep level. We’re also looking for an encounter with the sublime… That’s God; something well beyond ourselves that’s full of beauty and mystery. We so want that deep in our hearts, even if we may not recognize it.”


You are created for a purpose. Your life is not an accident of creation. There is something definite God put you on earth to fulfil. At Upperbrooks Academy, you are guided to discover it, strengthen and equipped for it. You’ll dig deep into your identity in Christ and discover your own worth and value, and the school is designed to propel you into your destiny by becoming who you were created to be.


Do you have a God-given desire inside of you to do something significant, to touch lives, reach nations with the fire of the Gospel. We all want to make a difference but that adventure can be frustrating without divine guidance. The school is designed to help you find God’s voice and how to navigate the path of greatness.


The Upperbrooks Academy Bible School, is an interdenominational Bible literacy and Ministry Training institution. Since its establishment in March 2020, the Upperbrooks Academy has produced men and women of God who are sound in doctrine, equipped to carry God to their respective spheres and effectively deliver the mandates of their  ministries.

Upperbrooks Academy is an intensive training program with certification anchored by Femi Adamolekun Ministries.


The vision of Upperbrooks Academy is to raise stronger believers and ministries; taking the influence of Christ everywhere. We are committed to seeing the entire earth saturated with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters covers the seas through strong discipleship and practical ministry. In short, our aim is to get you to become stronger as a believer, and as a minister (an instrument in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ).


Our mission is to equip and deploy one million believers/ministers who will take the influence of the Gospel of Christ to billions in every sphere of life. 

Here is why you are important to us. You  are a significant figure in the millions that we aim to equip, who will in turn take the influence of the Gospel of Christ to the billions across the earth. Want to register already?

Our Transformational Approach

We have  20 courses (subjects) in Level 1 which are specifically curated with you, and the goal to become stronger in mind. The courses include Basics of Christianity Course, Ekklesia & Christian Commitment, Practice of Prayer Course, Basics of Faith Course, Basics of Ministry Course, Basics of Hermeneutics Course, Leadership & Ministry Ethics, Spiritual Growth Course, Evangelism & Discipleship Course, Ministry Practicum and Projects works, etc.

Believe me when I say, each course is an experience on it’s own!

UpperbrooksAcademy also offers some other special courses for her Alumni and other interested individuals. They include; Fundamentals of Leadership, Emotional Intelligence in Ministry, Special Course of Evangelism & Harvest Preservation, Managing Ministry & Career/Academy, Special Course on Homiletics, Dynamics of Planting Secondary School Fellowship, etc.

Because our programmes are result-driven, each course comes with learning materials, Books from known fathers of faith etc and each course ends with an examination.

We also have Hands-on activities like scheduled hours of prayers and  our widely-appreciated Operation Phillip where we step out in groups across Nigeria (and in diaspora) to preach the gospel and win souls for Christ.

With all these duly observed, we confidently award you our certificate after completion.

Class Schedule

Our courses have the same class schedules and they are crafted to not interfere with your work or class schedules, if you’re working or are a student.

Classes hold  (virtually) during evenings on weekends (Saturday and Sunday – 7pm -10pm). We are strong on the doctrine of Local Church and we encourage every student to be actively committed in church.

Payment Structure

The Academy programme attracts a non-refundable Application fee of N5000 which is paid at the registration phase.

Our tuition, on the other hand, is N20,000, and we have a flexible payment system. You are not required to pay at application but after you have been admitted to the academy. 

If need be, you may pay 50% upon admission (on/before the start of academic activities) and balance the rest as classes proceed. 

As I round up my little talk with you, let me show you some of our alumni apart from myself and what they have to say about their experience in Upperbrooks Academy Bible School and their lives afterward.


Since I registered in the academy; my teaching of God's word and understanding have greatly been influenced by this academy.

Through SpiritWord Academy, I have become a better child of God, a better teacher, both in my local church and in my ministry.

I have also been inspired by the zeal of every member of SpiritWord Academy to seek more knowledge and excellence.
Omoluyi Michael Osas
Founder, A Pure Nation

...SpiritWord Academy came to me at a time when I really needed it.

The experience was so beautiful, all the teachings are spirit-breathed. It has been enlightening and eye-opening and has given me a deep insight into the word of God.

The academy has been a motivation for me to do more
Miss Tijani Abolai

Firstly, I have seen a high level of commitment to and consistency in God's calling at SpiritWord Academy. Trust me, those words were carefully selected.

SWA has also been a place to systemically learn and be skilled at the christian faith, It's how one concept (course) leads to another for me
Pastor Zion OJUWONLO
Founder, REWRITE! Mentorship Community

There you go, beloved. 
We are excited to receive you into one of the best experiences of God and his word. Kindly click on the button below to start your registration and to make the necessary payments.

See you soon!